A good barista will swirl the steamed milk around to fold the froth back into the liquid and create a seamless pitcher of velvet microfoam. The main differences between a flat white and a latte arises when the steaming is finished and it’s time to pour the drink. If every flat white has espresso, then what makes a flat white different to a latte is the way the milk is prepared and poured. But that still doesn’t mean that a flat white is just a small latte. In most cafés, a flat white is smaller than a latte.

LatteĪ flat white is stronger than a latte, but smoother than a cappuccino, and it is this middle ground that made it a popular beverage in Australia, New Zealand and, now, across the globe. If you have the Son of a Barista coffee machine it will heat the milk pod or almond milk pod to the exact temperature that is needed to make a flat white coffee. Heat the milk gently, and at the right temperature, in order to get the required silky texture. Milk in Australia and New Zealand largely comes from free range cows: if this type of milk is frothed too aggressively (as is custom with a cappuccino), it can become stiff, almost reminiscent of a marshmallow. There is much debate about the origin of this espresso based beverage but the two main contenders are Australia and New Zealand. If you’d like, you can add a light dusting of sweet chocolate to the top of your flat white. It also extremely important to pour the milk immediately, not let it sit. You can see as your pour that the milk is nice, flat, velvety, creamy and delicious. The milk at the bottom is nice and creamy, the milk at the top is foamy. With the flat white you don’t want the milk too foamy, you want it to be creamy, so you hold the foam back and pour the milk from the bottom of the jug. Your flat white should have about 1/4-inch of steamed milk on top. This will create a smoother, more velvety texture for your drink. As the milk froths, use a spoon to fold the microbubbles from the top of the steaming pitcher to the bottom of the steaming pitcher.

While pulling the espresso shot, froth the milk. It takes a little bit of skill to prepare, but once you’ve mastered this recipe, it’s easy to make flat white espresso drinks again and again. How to Make a Flat White Coffee: Flat White RecipeĪ flat white is composed of a double shot of espresso and a textured milk topping that is hot, but not boiling.